Webinars & Master Classes


Innovator's Gift Program Preview

Do you want to:

  • discover new problems,
  • understand what defines a better product,
  • know what makes customers switch.

We collaborated with Ash Maurya (Best-selling author, creator of the LEAN CANVAS and Founder of LEANSTACK) on a ground-breaking new program called:

The Innovator's Gift – to answer the fundamental question: Where do good ideas come from?

→ We're launching the IG Idea Discovery Program in EMEA.

Join me for a free IG Problem Discovery Program Preview.

Register here for the next monthly Problem Discovery Program Preview.

The Innovator's Gift Backstory

Like any entrepreneur, it began with seeing a problem.

The Problem with Problems
While the idea of starting with problems is simple, systematically uncovering problems worth solving is quite difficult for several reasons.

Here are the top three:

Entrepreneurs often unconsciously invent or fake problems to justify building their solution because of their Innovator Bias for the solution.

If your starting problems fail to resonate with prospects, it’s hard to set up conversations with them because they’re too busy fighting their own “real” problems.

You can’t simply ask customers about their top problems because they often don’t know, don’t want to tell you, don’t know what to tell you, or give you a solution instead of a problem.


So, is there a better way?
The answer has been staring us in the face…

Meet The Innovator’s Gift

Entrepreneurs spend a disproportionate amount of time framing problems regarding their solutions. The secret is framing problems in terms of their customer’s existing alternatives.

Here’s the basic premise of the Innovator’s Gift:

“New problems worth solving are created as by-products of old solutions.”

or put more simply: "New problems come from old solutions."

From "Unpacking The Innovator's Gift" by Ash Maurya at LeanFoundry.

Register here for the next monthly Problem Discovery Program Preview

Master Classes:

OnFailure Framework - How to Leverage Failure into Learning

Entrepreneurs often blame themselves for a failed startup, business or entrepreneurial endeavour. Yet failure is rarely the result of a single factor or person.

The simplistic charge of learning from failure leaves us with more questions than answers. This framework answers the most critical question: How to Leverage Failure into Learning.

1st Tuesday of the Month. Register your interest in the next session here.

Difficult Conversations - How to Discuss What Matters Most.

A difficult conversation is any conversation you don't want to have. We give you a framework to help you navigate these with fellow founders, coworkers or your boss. (Based on the book of the same title)

2nd Tuesday of the Month. Register your interest in the next session here.

Zero to One Sales - Cold Outreach For First Prospects.

Learn from a master at prospecting (and one of my coaches) on how to reach out to prospects and turn them into warm conversations.

3rd Tuesday of the Month. Register your interest in the next session here.

International Expansion - Getting country selection correct.

In international expansion, there is no more significant choice than your next country. It will dictate your plans for months, if not years. Learn how to choose your next, best country using data.

4th Tuesday of the Month. Register your interest in the next session here.

Past Events:

Is Ideation Insanity?

Six months of research into ideation "best" practices and we think that... 

"Insanity is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results" Albert Einstein attr.

Can ideation be fixed? We think so.

--> This event is no longer available. Register for future events below. Or check out the next monthly Problem Discovery Program Preview

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